Unravel is our sensitization program whereby we educate persons with albinism and the public about the condition through the use of social media, school campaigns, and radio and television programs. The aim of this program is to debunk the myths surrounding the condition and bring to an end stigmatization.


This is the avenue through which we showcase the unique beauty of albinism through photos and art. More often than not, albinism is portrayed or seen only in a negative light. When people think of albinism, what comes to their minds are people who cannot see clearly, and people with reddish and blistered skin. It is our desire to show off the beauty of albinism thereby making the condition admirable.


This is a program for persons with albinism and parents of children with albinism on the do's and don’ts of how to take care of their delicate skin. The importance of healthy skin cannot be overemphasized as it plays an essential role in a person’s self-esteem. We provide them with materials such as sunscreen lotions, body lotions, broad-brim hats, sun umbrellas, etc., to assist them to maintain healthy skin.


Optasia is a similar program to Crystal Confidence but focuses on eye care. Taking into consideration the many eye challenges associated with albinism such as nystagmus, strabismus, myopia, and hyperopia, we monitor and follow up the eye health, especially for pupils and students who need to see the board from their front seats, and also follow up their lessons.


This empowerment scheme is meant to support underprivileged persons with albinism to fit better in society through mentorship programs, education, training (skill acquisition), and financial (for those who lack start-up funds). This program goes to support the belief that if you give a man fish, you feed him for a day but if you teach a man how to fish, you have fed him for a lifetime. The mentorship activity helps to ignite a goal-setting attitude in those who have been discouraged by society because of vision challenges.


International Albinism Awareness Day is celebrated yearly on June 13th under a theme given by the United Nations. This is the mother program of the foundation as it comprises aspects of all the aforementioned programs.

See how we teach at belanguage school


  • Im Sharlin Enanaga Ndumsbe by name a level 2 student of Kazatech limbe Cameroon Living with albinism has not been easy until I meet the founder of born to dazzle foundation Miss Nicole Whitney Word alone can’t express low deeply appreciative and glad I am to be a member of BTD foundation, i have benefited from this foundation in both intrinsic and extrinsic way. -From the free eye consultation which prescribed glasses where provided -To skin consultation - Carrying out sensitization about albinism in schools and on social media - The foundation prompt team work among PWA - Organizing meetings to share ideas on how to take good care of our sensitive skin. - Above all the foundation has helped increase my self- esteem it would have not been possible without BTD foundation.
    Sharlin Enanaga Ndumsbe
  • I’m called Cho Bih Emmanuella, I am an artist and a songwriter based in the Tiko Subdivision of the South West Region of Cameroon. I first heard about BTD Foundation two years ago when a friend of mine told me about it. And in November of  2021, I  saw a poster of their free eye care program in Limbe  sponsored by the Canadian High Commission. I was opportune to benefit from free lenses. Then came the celebration of  International Albinism Awareness Day in 2021 which I  also attended and learned so many things about albinism which enable me properly take care of my body in order to live a long and healthy life.  In addition to the skincare tips, I also benefited from sunscreen lotions and a sun umbrella. We have also had two dermatological programs this year one in Douala and the other in Limbe where dermatologists specialized in  albinism were invited to sensitize us on how to take care of our skin to avoid skin cancers and also carry out cryotherapy treatment. The aim of the program was to combat precancerous lesions in a bid to stop further damage to affected areas. I once again benefited from this service. To say the least, BTD Foundation has been a blessing and an eye-opener to me.
    Cho Bih Emmanuella
  • I am Eloundou Nadege Woke, a student and tutor. I am a lover of nature and yes! the sun inclusive. Coming from a family of all dark-skinned people, I had always desired that feeling of being indifferent, of not always being treated like a special case. I have only felt this way with my family at Born to Dazzle Foundation wherein I interact freely and meet people with similar challenges and concerns. I have had the privilege to benefit from the so many programs orgsnised by BTD Foundation such as; Optasia, Crystal Confidence, Unravel amongst a host of others. I can sincerely say I am one person who hungers for self-growth and BTD Foundation knows exactly how to put me out there. The Foundation has made me love myself more and I can proudly say if I had the opportunity to relive life, I  would love to be a person with albinism.
    Eloundou Nadege Woke

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